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Attention Nevada County Moms!

Nevada County Moms

Nevada County Moms now have a place to relax and enjoy some adult time with their peers!

There is a great, little know resource available to Nevada County moms of young children called MOPS of Grass Valley.

MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. It is a group for moms to meet who have children from pregnancy through kindergarten and just recently added, first grade through high school. They meet at Abundant Life Church, though anyone from any background or religion is welcome.

Childcare is available! The moms get to meet with other moms in our community. They get to have uninterrupted conversations and eat a hot breakfast (which is a luxury if you have small children). There is a speaker that will come in to talk about relevant topics regarding relationships, raising kids, services available to us as Nevada County residences and many other topics.

I have been a member of MOPS for over 8 years now. There have been times when I’ve felt it was critical to my sanity. Just to be able to share with another woman who was just as sleep deprived and in need of
an adult to have a conversation with that I was, was key to me getting through the many stages of motherhood.

I feel honored and understood when I meet with these other ladies. It is so nice to be able to recharge and “catch my breath” in this busy time of my life. I can take my mind off my To Do List as we finish our meeting with a fun craft like making jewelry, making a sugar scrub or make ahead dinner we can take home giving us back some valuable time to spend with our families.

To find out more about MOPS, check out their website at https://mopsgv.wordpress.com/about-us/