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Rentals in Placer County

New Rentals in Auburn

If you are having difficulties finding rentals in the Auburn area you are not alone! The rental market is slim with hardly any inventory to choose from. Most often there is some conflicting factor that eliminates choices and the options that are left are less than substantial. Whether it’s priced too high, size too small, no yard or not pet friendly. The struggle is real when searching for a decent place to call home in the Auburn area, surrounding Placer County and neighboring Nevada County.

Well here is a quick bit about a new housing development in Auburn, a 64 unit apartment complex, Quartz Ridge. These new apartments are located behind the Raley’s shopping center near the Foresthill Bridge exit off 80. This project begun construction in March and is on a 16 month schedule for completion. Other than home to 64 families the complex will have a community pool and a community building. The complex is designated to be an affordable housing unit for income qualifying parties with specific regulations. The rental prices range from $350 to just over $1000 based on factors such as the size of the unit desired or individual income qualifications. For more information regarding these specific qualifications as well as further inquiry about the project and its developers please visit the Auburn Journal Website.

If you are a part of the rental war I suppose you should weigh out options and see all opportunities that are available to you. This new development  at Quartz Ridge could be the answer so many renters have been waiting for. If not, and this sounds like another qualifying obstacle you may not meet consider other possibilities. Becoming a home owner and leaving the rental world in the past could be a great solution. If you are curious as to what the process looks like call us to find out! The first steps are easy.

  1. Visit a known or recommended lender to get qualified. (Don’t know one?  Call us we work with them on a daily bases and would be happy to recommend some rockstars!)
  2. Once your approved with a shopping budget we go to work! With the latest house hunting technology, we have access to all that’s available.


Call call us today to find out what the best choice might be for you!