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Where have all the locals gone?

Summertime travelers have left local business in a lull.

This has been a summer much different than what we have seen in the last couple of years. Due to the drought conditions the last few summers have seen a hiatus in waterway usage. The low lakes and rivers have made it less than ideal to pack up the kids and hang by the water for the day. As this has hampered our local lifestyle the businesses in town have had a nice boost in business. People have been hanging around and taking advantage of all that is going on in town. From fine dining to window shopping there is much to see and do.

This summer has presented quite a change for the community. As the winter rains proved to be prolific outdoor activities have made their resurgence. Between the high flowing rivers and the lakes leveling the locals have hit the water. As the weekend rolls around people are grabbing sandwiches and ice chests and are on their way out to the water. For a few years we have been deprived of our favorite summer time traditions and have had to find fun elsewhere. Now that we have been blessed with rains we taking advantage of all the waterway activities. Although this brings joy and happiness to many, the local business are taking the hit. The boost in business over the last few summers have left local business accustomed to larger crowd. With everyone out on the water this year the lull is real.

As back to school has already hit for some and others it’s right around the corner the locals have returned. Back to the weekly routines of school, work, grocery shopping and finally back out to the restaurants and business that sustain our daily life. It has been a great summer and we’re all happy to see the locals back in town!