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Travel and Tech

Travel and Tech

Travel sure has changed!

Remember the days when we would make lists of things to bring that would occupy our kids as we travel to our destinations? Well I do…just 13 short years ago my list would have had things like snacks, toys, coloring books, items to open as “surprise” activities along the way, CD’s to listen to, music and more! I remember dreading long drives with the all ever popular: “Are we there yet?” or “Mom how much longer?” I would spend weeks thinking up ideas of things to do in the car, songs to sing and places to stop along the way. Well that has changed a lot in a short amount of time.

Packing for road trips now involves less time, shopping and planning. Why?

Because our kids are a bit older now, but more importantly because of technology. One device and you can load games, songs, books, movies and more. Now-a-days instead of endless trips to the Dollar Store it is an hour or so of loading some new content onto the devices. Of course we can’t (and shouldn’t!) spend the entire time on our tablets, Kindles or IPads so we still pack coloring books and, of course, at least one regular book. No more surfing the radio. We have Pandora. We pick a favorite artist or genre, and boom, we have an endless supply of our favorite music.


Remember the days of laying a map out on the table and highlighting your route? Then as you are on your trip trying to read the map from the passenger seat? Well I do!

Now all we do is ask Siri or Google and off we go. They even redirect when we have taken the wrong turn or gone too far. And can even direct us around traffic jams and road work. Technology has changed much for the better but without some monitoring and willpower we can become too dependent on them.

I empower you all to take those gadgets away after a bit and have a good conversation with your kids. Better yet, play a road trip game like the ABC game or Slug Bug. For directions always go prepared with paper directions or a map of some sort in the event you lose that signal on your cell phone…you might just end up at the wrong destination.

Technology is fantastic…foresight and planning make it even better as it marches to the beat of our own drum…or playlist.

Farmers Markets – The Bounty Of Nevada County.

Farmers Markets – The Bounty Of Nevada County.

Summer’s Here…And So Is A Plethora Of Fresh & Organic Foods Offered At Nevada County Farmers Markets!

Nevada County Farmers Markets

Those of us lucky enough to live in Western Nevada County are blessed each year with bounteous, fresh and tasty farm fare offered each week at several locations and times as local Farmers Markets get into gear.  Growers offer a plethora of fresh vegetables, honey, bakery goods, organic grass-fed beef and much more. Many offerings from local farmers are grown organically….and the Heirloom Tomatoes are to die for, making the Winter months seem an unfair, long wait. Well, the wait is over. Here is a list of our Certified Farmers Markets:

Tuesday Morning – Nevada County Certified Growers Market  9 am – 1 pm, May 3 – September 29, Rood Center, Hwy 49, Nevada City.

Tuesday Afternoon – Lake Of The Pines Certified Farmers Market  3pm – 7pm,  June7 – September 27, Lower Marina Parking Lot, Lake Of The Pines

Thursday Morning – Nevada County Certified Growers Market  9am – 1pm, May 5 – October 27, Western Gateway Park, 18560 Penn Valley Drive, Penn Valley

Thursday Afternoon – Grass Valley Downtown Association Thursday Night Market  5:30 pm – 9 pm, June 23 – July 28, Mill Street Closed for market, Downtown Grass Valley

Saturday Morning – Nevada City Farmers Market  8:30 am – 1 pm, June 4 – November 19, Union Street, downtown Nevada City

Saturday Morning – Nevada County 8 am – 12:30 pm, April 16 – November 19.

Nevada County Farmers Markets offer an amazing variety of freshly picked vegetables and fruits for those that visit: Apples to Zucchini. We especially love the tasty Heirloom Tomatoes widely available. Come check out artisan olive oil and breads, organic grass fed meats, grains, beans, seeds and nuts, honey….even jewelry and yard art is available at some markets.  While at the Nevada City Farmers Market, be sure to stop by and sample the awesome Brazilian Plantain dishes cooked in front of you at one of our favorite stalls, Musa Musa.