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Hope your 4th was awesome!!

Now, back to reality…summer will be over before we know it..

As the 4th of July has come to pass, we are reminded that summer will be over before we know it. Immediately following schools end we celebrated graduations, birthdays, Father’s Day and lastly the big one Independence Day. With many local schools headed back to class earlier than last year many of our buyers are feeling the crunch. They have been out and about and looking for their future forever home, all the while enjoying summers festivites. Now that we have a slight hiatus in holidays, summer camps are coming to an end and the start of school is on a count down, the struggle to find that home is real. If you find yourself in this boat but not working with the SIERRA LIFE STYLE Team, call us to give you hand.

As a part of SIERRA LIFE STYLE Team we are detdicated to devote our serves to you the buyer. We will be aggressively hunting the market for your future home while you do your back to school shopping and BBQ’s. Our buyers are asked to define their wants and needs and their specific criteria of what makes a house a home to them. Then we go to work!! From researching the local market and trends to scoping out all oportunities around the corner. We are here to get you into the home you’ve always wanted, and just in time for the kids to be settled before school.