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Why do you need a Realtor?

Why do you need a Realtor?

7 Reasons why you should have a REALTOR by your side

Technology can’t replace a good Realtor, here’s why;

In this day and age everything is online. You buy a car online, clothes, furniture, vacations and even food! So why can’t you buy or sell a house online. After all For Sale By Owners don’t have to pay commissions or closing costs and make more money right? WRONG!! Without a professional to guide you down the path of home ownership you could be unaware of some costly mistakes you’re making. If you’re looking to buy or sell in Placer County or Nevada County call us today. Here is seven reason why working with a professional Realtor and specifically the Sierra Lifestyle Team can benefit you greatly!
  1. List at the right PRICE!! Our team are experts in the Placer County Real Estate and Nevada County Real Estate markets. We know how to get the perfect price to sell quickly and for the most money.
  2. Better home presentations!! Knowing how to present your home to buyers in the most effective and aesthetically pleasing way can be tough. We know exactly what buyers want to see and also what can be a huge turn off.
  3. Getting more buyers. Who is going to buy your house? Do you know them and can give them a call? Promoting properties and gaining most exposure is our priority.
  4. Higher Offers! Because you decided to high a professional, we have priced your house so perfectly that know you have multiple offers and have created a biding war over your property.
  5. Negotiations, Inspections and RESULTS!! Now that you have an accepted offer the real work begins. Having a Realtor to do all the negociating and inspection work can cut your costs and keep more money in your pocket.
  6. Quick Closings. Once the buyers are fully satisfied with the house we can close quickly. Our in house lenders and brokers ensure a quick close so you can get on and the buyers can get in!
  7. SOLD for top dollar. With all the expert advice from the Sierra Lifestyle team you were able to not only get your house sold quickly but for top dollar on the market as well.

Need to sell your house? Want to get it done quickly and get the most money?? Call us today so we can go to work for you!

It’s getting HOT in the neighborhood!!

It’s getting HOT in the neighborhood!…and we’re not talking about the weather!

The Real Estate Market is lighting up locally!

There is an extreme buzz happening throughout our local area in  our neighborhoods. From the Alta Sierra community in Grass Valley Nevada County to the new north Auburn devlopements in Placer County there is a need for inventory. Witnessing the real estate market first hand from hosting open houses and chit chatting with friends more than half of everyone I know and meet are needing a home to purchase. As properties come up for sale there is a mass interest even before it hits the market. Then very shortly of going live on the market the property has gone pending with a handful of qualified motivated buyers still searching.

If you have recently been on the fence about listing your house let me shine a little light on what my Real Estate team is experiencing and seeing first hand. Many sellers are hesitant or reluctant to put their house on the market for various reasons, most of which can be resolved. There may be a large and expensive repair or upgrade that is daunting and could hinder the sale of their house. Pricing the house slightly below market value or have a credit value set can easily attract buyers and also let them know that you are willing to get the ball rolling and get the house sold.

We are  working with many buyers looking to get into Placer County and Nevada County and when the properties are pending rather quickly, many are still left searching. Qualified and ready to buy, many eager to settle in before the summers end. If you’ve had thoughts or reservations about selling, call us today! All transactions are circumstancial as all of our lives are different in their own way. We look forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to serve you.

Happy Fourth of JULY!! Hope your 4th was awesome!!

Hope your 4th was awesome!!

Now, back to reality…summer will be over before we know it..

As the 4th of July has come to pass, we are reminded that summer will be over before we know it. Immediately following schools end we celebrated graduations, birthdays, Father’s Day and lastly the big one Independence Day. With many local schools headed back to class earlier than last year many of our buyers are feeling the crunch. They have been out and about and looking for their future forever home, all the while enjoying summers festivites. Now that we have a slight hiatus in holidays, summer camps are coming to an end and the start of school is on a count down, the struggle to find that home is real. If you find yourself in this boat but not working with the SIERRA LIFE STYLE Team, call us to give you hand.

As a part of SIERRA LIFE STYLE Team we are detdicated to devote our serves to you the buyer. We will be aggressively hunting the market for your future home while you do your back to school shopping and BBQ’s. Our buyers are asked to define their wants and needs and their specific criteria of what makes a house a home to them. Then we go to work!! From researching the local market and trends to scoping out all oportunities around the corner. We are here to get you into the home you’ve always wanted, and just in time for the kids to be settled before school.

Farmers Markets – The Bounty Of Nevada County.

Farmers Markets – The Bounty Of Nevada County.

Summer’s Here…And So Is A Plethora Of Fresh & Organic Foods Offered At Nevada County Farmers Markets!

Nevada County Farmers Markets

Those of us lucky enough to live in Western Nevada County are blessed each year with bounteous, fresh and tasty farm fare offered each week at several locations and times as local Farmers Markets get into gear.  Growers offer a plethora of fresh vegetables, honey, bakery goods, organic grass-fed beef and much more. Many offerings from local farmers are grown organically….and the Heirloom Tomatoes are to die for, making the Winter months seem an unfair, long wait. Well, the wait is over. Here is a list of our Certified Farmers Markets:

Tuesday Morning – Nevada County Certified Growers Market  9 am – 1 pm, May 3 – September 29, Rood Center, Hwy 49, Nevada City.

Tuesday Afternoon – Lake Of The Pines Certified Farmers Market  3pm – 7pm,  June7 – September 27, Lower Marina Parking Lot, Lake Of The Pines

Thursday Morning – Nevada County Certified Growers Market  9am – 1pm, May 5 – October 27, Western Gateway Park, 18560 Penn Valley Drive, Penn Valley

Thursday Afternoon – Grass Valley Downtown Association Thursday Night Market  5:30 pm – 9 pm, June 23 – July 28, Mill Street Closed for market, Downtown Grass Valley

Saturday Morning – Nevada City Farmers Market  8:30 am – 1 pm, June 4 – November 19, Union Street, downtown Nevada City

Saturday Morning – Nevada County 8 am – 12:30 pm, April 16 – November 19.

Nevada County Farmers Markets offer an amazing variety of freshly picked vegetables and fruits for those that visit: Apples to Zucchini. We especially love the tasty Heirloom Tomatoes widely available. Come check out artisan olive oil and breads, organic grass fed meats, grains, beans, seeds and nuts, honey….even jewelry and yard art is available at some markets.  While at the Nevada City Farmers Market, be sure to stop by and sample the awesome Brazilian Plantain dishes cooked in front of you at one of our favorite stalls, Musa Musa.